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11111 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 115

Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

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Category Archives: General

Do You Have Bulky Upper Arms?

Published on October 26, 2018

Do you feel like you have a bit of extra bulk around your upper arms? It may not be a large amount of excess fat, but even a little is still enough to make long sleeves uncomfortable and to prevent

Dealing with More Severe Facial Folds and Wrinkles

Published on September 7, 2018

The reason why there are so many different types of dermal fillers is because they all have their own unique formulas. Each formula is designed to address specific issues. Trouble is, having so many options can make it difficult to

Treating Acne Scars with Laser Skin Resurfacing

Published on August 10, 2018
Beautiful woman with smooth skin, Laser Resurfacing, Scottsdale AZ

Are acne scars making it difficult for you to feel good about the way your skin looks? Acne is hard enough to deal with on its own, which makes dealing with acne scars even more frustrating. One of the best

The Power of CoolMini

Published on July 16, 2018

You have probably heard of CoolSculpting and how great it is at non-surgical body contouring, but you may not have heard of CoolMini. CoolMini utilizes the power of CoolSculpting to precisely target and eliminate excess fat around the jawline and

Need Help with Your Hyperpigmentation Problem?

Published on June 6, 2018

Is hyperpigmentation ruining the beauty of your skin? Hyperpigmentation doesn’t just occur on the face. It can happen in areas all across the body, like the arms, shoulders, neck, and back. During the warmer seasons, this can make it especially

Are Your Leg Veins Keeping You from Feeling Comfortable in Your Swimsuit?

Published on May 17, 2018

While the summer season is typically a time of fun , some people dread the idea of having to wear shorts and swimsuits all summer long because they are embarrassed by their noticeable leg veins. At Sensational Skin, we know

How Do I Get My Body Bikini-Ready Before the Summer?

Published on April 24, 2018

Summer is approaching fast, which means you don’t have a lot of time to start working on your beach body. At Sensational Skin, we have the perfect treatment for getting your body ready for the summer. CoolSculpting makes it easy

What Can I Do About My Asymmetrical Lips?

Published on March 9, 2018

While you may not consider your lips to be one of your more prominent features, they play an integral role when it comes to the overall beauty of your face. That is why issues like lip asymmetry can have such

Need Help with Your Diet?

Published on February 8, 2018

Are you struggling to maintain a healthy diet? January may not have been the month you committed to the healthy lifestyle changes you wanted to make, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your goals. At Sensational

Using Our Arctic Facial to Treat Rosacea

Published on January 5, 2018

Rosacea is a fairly common skin condition that causes visible blood vessels to form on the face. It also causes the skin to take on a red and irritated appearance. Rosacea is a chronic condition that has no cure, but


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