call or text 1-(480) 596-9111

11111 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 115

Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

  • Top Doctors 2022
  • Coolsculpting University Masters
  • Club 5000 Member Award
  • Club 5000 Treatments Award
  • Coolsculpting Complete Practice Award
  • Coolsculpting Premier Account Award
  • 2016 Diamond Coolsculpting Center
  • 2014 Ultherapy Treatment Provider Award
  • Best of Scottsdale 2012
  • Best of Scottsdale 2011
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  • Zeltig Crystal
  • Coolsculpting University
  • Coolsculpting Certified Provider

CoolSculpting Scottsdale

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CoolSculpting the “Cool” Non-Surgical Way to Reduce Stubborn Fat

Procedures that use laser, sonic waves, and even surgery to reduce fat can actually destroy other tissue in the process by burning, shattering, or extracting non-fat cells. This requires downtime for your body to heal. Totally un cool.

CoolSculpting Certified PracticeFortunately, CoolSculpting doesn’t burn, shatter, or extract any cells. Developed by Harvard scientists, our unique, FDA-cleared, patented procedure uses a targeted cooling process that affects the fat cells underneath the skin; freezing them so that the body can reduce them through its own natural process. Only fat cells are frozen. Your healthy skin cells remain, well, healthy. No knives. No suction hoses. No needles. No scars. Once crystallized, the fat cells die and are naturally reduced from your body. In a few months, boom: Say hello to a new you!*

The CoolCurve Handpiece Allow Us to Treat More Areas Effectively

We’re the first in our area to have the CoolCurve handpiece for CoolSculpting. This new special handpiece allows us to treat problematic areas more effectively. Areas like saddlebags that were very hard to treat before with the original CoolSculpting handpiece are now easy to freeze. The CoolCurve handpiece pulls in more tissue and provides better results for certain areas of the body.*

The CoolMini applicatorNew CoolMini Handpiece Allows for Neck and Small Area Treatment

The first and only non-surgical technology FDA-cleared for both fat reduction and laxity improvement in the submental area.

Sensational Skin is one of the first providers nationwide to get the CoolMini handpiece!

This small applicator is great for aiding in the reduction of fat pockets from the chin, knees and underarms.* As with all CoolSculpting handpieces, the CoolMini provides for fat treatment with no surgery and no downtime.

Lose Fat With Minimal Downtime and Lasting Results

*Individual results may vary

CoolSculpting Certified PracticeUnlike a lot of other procedures, CoolSculpting takes very little time and is pretty simple to fit into your daily life. After your CoolSculpting treatment you can typically get right back to your busy day. Each treatment lasts one hour — the same time you might spend at the gym. Many patients can easily fit their CoolSculpting appointment into a lunch break.

Many patients will see a reduction of fat in four weeks and some earlier. It takes a few months to fully realize the effects, mainly because it takes that long for your body to naturally dispose of the frozen fat cells. And yes, you can lose even more with additional appointments if you and your doctor deem it necessary.*

So after a few months, your clothes will fit better and you will look better. Additionally, there are no pills or supplements, and as long as you maintain your normal diet and exercise, your long-term results should remain stable.

If no matter what you do, stubborn fat still haunts your waistline, you’ve tried dieting, you’ve tried exercise, but nothing seems to help. It’s time to consider the non-surgical treatment to reduce fat.

Say Goodbye to Problem Fat Areas and Love Handles!

It’s called stubborn fat for a reason: no matter how much you eat healthy and exercise, it can be difficult to lose those annoying muffin tops and love handles as you get older.

At Sensational Skin, CoolSculpting is one of our most popular alternatives to liposuction in the Scottsdale, Arizona area. This innovative fat-freezing technology makes it one of the most effective and state-of-the-art fat reduction options available. Our quick and painless procedure can help you achieve the look you want with no surgery and no downtime.*

If you want to learn more about CoolSculpting in Scottsdale or Phoenix or you are ready to discuss CoolSculpting with S. Kent Brown M.D. Or request more information online or by calling our Scottsdale office at 1-877-596-9111.

What Exactly is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared alternative to liposuction that uses Cryolipolysis™ fat-freezing technology to safely and effectively kill unwanted fat cells. No anesthetic is needed, and no incisions need to be made. You will be ready to return to your regular routine right after treatment.

With targeted cooling, your fat is safely chilled to damage the fat cells without harming surrounding skin or tissue. During the weeks following your procedure, your body will naturally excrete the damaged fat cells, leaving you looking slimmer.*

What Can I Expect At My CoolSculpting Appointment?

Sensational Skin Centers is a CoolSculpting Certified Practice. Our technicians have performed over 20,000 CoolSculpting treatments. Schedule a FREE consultation by going to the bottom of the page to follow the link to our contact form.

When you come in for your CoolSculpting treatment, we will place a protective gel over the treatment area. Once you are comfortable, the CoolSculpting device will use a combination of gentle vacuum pressure and deep cooling to treat the fat below the skin and freeze your unwanted fat cells.

Patients can usually sit comfortably while the device works, often reading a book, watching a movie or surfing the Web. As a result of the cooling, you may feel some numbness during treatment, and the treatment area may be red afterward, but this usually fades within a few hours.*

Most treatments take about one hour per treatment area. Unlike most other practices in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Sensational Skin has some of the most experienced Technicians in Arizona. Our expert CoolSculpting Technicians have treated thousands of body areas with precision and care and work hard to optimize your results. CoolSculpting can treat your waist, hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, back, flanks, “love handles,” and even your “muffin top”!*

Watch a video that gives you a very quick overview.

CoolSculpting is ideal for smaller pockets of fat that are diet- and exercise-resistant. It may effectively reduce 20 to 30% of the fat in the treatment area.*

*Individual results may vary

Each additional treatment further enhances your results, reducing an additional 20% of the treated fat cells per session.*

Results appear gradually during the weeks following the procedure as your body uses its own natural waste-removal system of the damaged fat cells. Most patients benefit from multiple treatments spaced over a few months. Dr. Brown will discuss with you the right number of treatments you will need to meet your own personal goals.

Reduce the Appearance of Man Boobs

Do you have man boobs? This is a common, and embarrassing, condition for men. Men afflicted with man boobs usually have a condition called gynecomastia. The good news is that CoolSculpting has proven effective in reducing the size of man boobs.

Who is affected by Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can occur in males of all ages and the causes remain uncertain. It often develops in puberty, but can then disappear within a couple of years. Gynecomastia is more common than many people think, and affects a large percentage of males. Gynecomastia can cause one or both of the breasts to enlarge, or simply causes “puffy nipples” which is among the most common form.

Tell me about using CoolSculpting for Gynecomastia

Now, you can address Gynecomastia with the non-invasive CoolSculpting procedure, which has been developed by a team of scientists and physicians. CoolSculpting utilizes a precisely controlled cooling method called Cryolipolysis to target, cool, and to damage fat cells without damage to other tissue.

In your treatment assessment, you will be told if you require one or several treatments. Once these take place, your body goes to work. Over the next two to four months, the crystallized fat cells break down and are naturally excreted from the body. Male breast reduction can help men reshape their upper body, with a more balanced and enhanced appearance.*

Who is a Candidate for CoolSculpting?

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting should be within 15 to 30 pounds of their ideal weight and should be otherwise healthy. The best candidates have small pockets of diet- and exercise-resistant fat that they want to reduce. If your goal is to lose a great deal of weight, CoolSculpting may not be the right option for you.

Get More Information or Set Up a Free Consultation

Sensational Skin Centers is a CoolSculpting Certified Practice. Our technicians have performed over 20,000 CoolSculpting treatments. Schedule a FREE consultation by following the link below to our form.

Please visit our short form to leave your name and telephone number and someone will get back to you quickly.

DISCLAIMER: The extent of the response to the CoolSculpting treatment impacting personal results, varies from patient to patient.

Serving Scottsdale & Phoenix Arizona with non-surgical cosmetic skin and body treatments since 1998.

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*Individual results may vary


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