call or text 1-480-596-9111

11111 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 115

Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

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CoolTone™ Scottsdale

CoolTone® by CoolSculpting® Scottsdale Arizona

CoolTone®: Non-Surgical Butt Lift Alternative

CoolTone®: Targets Muscles in Abdomen, Arms, and Legs

Tone and Lift your Buttocks for Men and Women

Non-invasive butt Lift Procedure targets only Muscles to Lift

Why Should I come to Sensational Skin for Non-Surgical Body Treatment?

Coolsculpting experts at Sensational Skin are a CoolSculpting Complete Practice. Our beautiful CoolSculpting center has every applicator for customized fat reduction as well as Cooltone®, the newest technology designed to combine with CoolSculpting to strengthen, tighten, and tone all the muscles that are under the fat. Our Patient’s can get everything treated at once to obtain the best results. We offer all the applicators for Fat Reduction as well as skin tightening. We are experts in Non-Surgical Body contouring, offering the most advanced technologies available. Additionally, we are one of the largest CoolSculpting/Cooltone® medical clinics in the country.

The CoolTone vs Emsculpt

The magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) used with CoolTone technology penetrates into the muscle layers and causes involuntary strong muscle contractions. The body responds to these contractions by strengthening its muscle fibers, resulting in improved muscle conditioning. Whether targeting abdomen, buttocks or thighs, CoolTone strengthens, tones and firms the muscles in the treated area, resulting in a more defined and toned appearance. CoolTone has 50 percent more magnetic intensity than the leading competitor (1.35 T versus 0.9 T) at the point of contact.*

What areas of the Body can I treat with Cooltone®?

The Cooltone® is for Buttocks, abdomen, thighs, arms, and back. We can use Cooltone® on most areas of the body. The applicator’s design allows for very detailed muscle locations on the body

How Do I know if Cooltone® is for me?

If you currently exercise and eat healthy, you are probably a good candidate for Cooltone®. The CoolSculpting Experts will give you a very personalized consultation assessing everything from fat reduction, skin tightening, diet, and muscle conditioning with CoolTone.

How Does Cooltone® Work?

Cooltone® uses high-powered coil electromagnetic stimulation applicators to induce eddy currents in the muscle tissue. Cooltone® technology triggers muscle contractions that cannot be achieved by normal exercise to increase muscle mass and strength.

Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime to getting a Cooltone® Treatment. You will feel like you had a very intense workout.

Why is Cooltone® Effective?

The electrical current induced by the Cooltone® device gently flows directly into muscle and not into fat. The current flows to nearby motor nerve structures that stimulate contractions. The current gets maxed out, causing a huge range of muscle fiber contractions. This intense external electrical stimulus is not achieved with normal exercise. The Cooltone® is able to “excite” the fast-twitch muscle fibers, causing maximum benefit.

Men's midsection

What’s the difference between CoolSculpting, Cooltone® and Profound RF?

CoolSculpting is for Fat Reduction. Cooltone® treats the muscles to improve the overall look of the body. Profound RF Microneedeling is used to tighten skin. Profound Sub Q is used for areas needing skin tightening and Fat Reduction.

What Can You Expect During a Cooltone® Treatment?

Buttock image

During the Cooltone® treatment, no anesthesia is needed, and an applicator is applied to deliver HIFEM energy to contract the muscle tissue. Approximately 25,000 supramaximal muscle contractions will occur during a single session. During treatment, the muscles adapt to this intensity and begin to remodel and develop muscle tissue. The process allows patients to receive natural looking tone and contours without a surgical procedure. One treatment session typically lasts about 30-45 minutes during which patients usually relax. As your session progresses, we usually increase the strength of the energy as you wish. You can do a very light treatment, but recommend more moderate high to high level.

Before and Afters





Call 480-596-9111 to Purchase Introductory Offer on Cooltone®. The first 50 Patients will receive Introductory Pricing.

*Individual results may vary


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