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Does EpiLight IPL Hair Removal Really Work?

Published on March 20, 2020 by

Intense Pulsed Light or IPL is an effective way of removing unwanted hair. The laser hair removal industry is growing stronger as we speak, and intense pulse light is a form of light treatment, used for many dermatological techniques, one of the most common being hair removal.

How does it work? It produces a wavelength of light into the skin. The pigment in the hair absorbs this light, which turns to heat, killing the cells that grow the hair. Traditional laser treatments give out a specific wavelength, whereas Epilight IPL gives out scattered wavelengths.

Since IPL does this, it also affects skin pigments and may only work for people with fair skin and dark hair. It may work by only thinning the hair and some hair is prone to get left behind. Traditional laser treatment works for all types of skin and hair combinations as it uses specified wavelengths to target particular pigments.


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