call or text 1-(480) 596-9111

11111 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 115

Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

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Covid-19 Antibody Test

During this especially difficult time, it is important that we do everything we can to remain healthy.   Sensational Skin has formulated several oral & injection therapy medication packages containing vitamins and minerals that may help enhance your immune response.  For existing patient’s of record, you can purchase a COVID-19 antibody test (limited availability).   Please call our office to see if you are a candidate for antibody test.

Resist Pak

Zinc (220mg) 30 Day Supply
Vitamin C (500mg) 30 Day Supply

Resist Pak with ABX

Zinc (220mg) 30 Day Supply
Vitamin C (500mg) 30 Day Supply
Azithromycin (250mg) 5 Day Supply

Tri-Immune Boost IM – 30ml MDV

(Glutathione 200mg/ml – Ascorbic Acid 200mg/ml – Zinc Chloride 5mg/ml)

Resist Pack 30 Day (Zinc & VitaminC)

(Available for pick up or ship)

Tri-Immune Boost Shot

$20 per shot
10 for $150
(pick up shots)(must be refrigerated)

Covid 19 Anti-Body Testing Diagram

How is the COVID-19 Antibody test done?

The medical provider will take a quick finger prick to perform the test with a result in 2 min.

What are the limitations to COVID-19 IgG/Igm Rapid Test?

The test is limited to provide a qualitative detection of Antibody. The intensity of the test line does not necessarily correlate to the concentration of the antibody in the blood. The results obtained from this test are intended to be an aid to fight against COVID-19. Furthermore, a negative test result indicates that antibodies to Novel coronavirus are either not present or at levels undetectable by the test.

How Do I Schedule?

If you are a patient of record, Call or text our office 480-596-9111 to see if you are a good candidate.

What are the Benefits of Rapid Test?

The combined antibody test for COVID-19 to detect IgG and IgM antibodies of the novel coronavirus in human whole blood. It’s a fast 2 min test.

Why are we offering test?

We think test will be helpful for staff and patient safety.

What is the Cost?

The cost is determined by the cost to us to purchase tests. We are anticipating each batch of test kits to cost a different amount. If you have a medical savings account card, we recommend using as a payment option. We do not bill insurance.

*Individual results may vary


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