There is no denying how hard it is to get rid of a double chin. You may have been able to slim down the rest of your body, but that stubborn fat underneath your chin just doesn’t seem to respond to traditional methods of fat reduction like dieting and exercise.
You don’t have to let your double chin win. Thanks to Kybella, you can get rid of your stubborn There is no denying how hard it is to get rid of a double chin. You may have been able to slim down the rest of your body, but that stubborn fat underneath your chin just doesn’t seem to respond to traditional methods of fat reduction like dieting and exercise.
You don’t have to let your double chin win. Thanks to Kybella, you can get rid of your stubborn chin fat and give your jawline the toned and well-defined appearance you’ve always wanted. Kybella is an injectable treatment specifically designed to permanently destroy the fat cells underneath the chin and give the area a sleeker appearance with more refined contours.
Contact our office to schedule a consultation for your Kybella treatment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gunnar Bergqvist and stop stressing over your double chin.fat and give your jawline the toned and well-defined appearance you’ve always wanted. Kybella is an injectable treatment specifically designed to permanently destroy the fat cells underneath the chin and give the area a sleeker appearance with more refined contours.
Contact our office to schedule a consultation for your Kybella treatment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gunnar Bergqvist and stop stressing over your double chin.